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Guerlain Abeille Royale Face Treatment Oil
by Poppy Skinner|20 September 2013

As avid beauty watchers will have noticed, there's a new trend when it comes to protecting and perfecting our faces; face oil. So why this sudden love affair? Well not only are oils less irritant for your skin, as they are lipophlic or in laymans terms, fat loving, they are able to pass through the lipid layer of the skin faster, preventing a greater deal of water loss and plumping the skin faster than ordinary creams.

With this in mind, Guerlain entered the face oil arena with their offering Abeille Royale. Made from Ouessant Honey, dubbed the 'grand cru' of honeys - it promises to hydrate, tone and smooth your skin within just six hours.

So what makes it so special? Well, Ouessant honey is rich in not only amino acid, from which collagen - essential in the fight against fine lines- is found, but is also rich in fructose, essential to repair skin elasticity and high in reparative capabilities. Together these properties are able to repair fine lines, wrinkles and firmness.

What's more, Guerlain have also developed a unique application technique, specifically for the Abeille Royale.

Prepare by placing two to three drops on your fingertips and warm between the palms of your hands.

1. To help lift the skin, smooth the face from the centre outwards, along the jaw line towards the ears, from the cheekbones to the temples and from the centre of the forehead outwards. This makes it possible to drain and smooth out the skin, encouraging the elimination on toxins.

2. For a firming action, place both fists on your cheeks and, using firm circular motions, move your hands up towards the cheekbones. This technique stimulates the cutaneous muscles to improve their tone.

Abeille Royale is available at Sephora and Tangs and is $132.

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