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G-Dragon rocks Singapore Fashion Week 2013
by Shi Tianyun, herworldPLUS|15 October 2013

Singapore - Some fans had been queuing for more than seven hours. 20 super fangirls had forked out $1,000 to meet-and-greet G-Dragon.

Yes, the Korean superstar and leader of Kpop group Big Bang was in the house on day four of Singapore Fashion Week 2013 for a special mini showcase.

The show took place right after the Burkman Bros fashion show and all the lucky fans were ushered into the Crystal Ballroom where the G-Dragon would burst on to the elongated T-shaped stage with his dancers.

Though his performance was a short set of 20 minutes, those who were present for the Surrender show later that night would be in for a treat as the Korean star appeared minutes before the show started to take a front row seat.

G-Dragon had previously been in Singapore to attend the opening of Salon by Surrender where his collaboration with Japanese accessories brand Ambush was launched earlier in the year and there was no doubt he was there to support the multi-label boutique's fashion show.

The G-Dragon mini showcase took place on October 12 2013 as part of Singapore Fashion Week 2013.

Singapore Fashion Week 2013 runs at Marina Bay Sands until October 19, 2013.

For more information on Fashion Week 2013 and schedule of shows, go to www.fidefashionweeks.com. You can get your tickets at entertainment.marinabaysands.com/fashion-week-2013.

Photos: Fide Fashion Weeks, Sarah Jane Ong for herworldPLUS, ST

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