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The late Hong Kong billionaire Nina Wang asked for a head massage that turned into nights of passion with her fengshui adviser, according to testimony revealed in a Hong Kong court on Thursday (June 13).
The late Hong Kong billionaire Nina Wang asked for a head massage that turned into nights of passion with her fengshui adviser, according to testimony revealed in a Hong Kong court on Thursday (June 13).
Massage turned into night of passion: Ex-Fengshui master

Hong Kong - The late Hong Kong billionaire Nina Wang asked for a head massage that turned into nights of passion with her fengshui adviser, according to testimony revealed in a Hong Kong court.

Peter Chan, the geomancer who lost a fight for Wang's billions in 2011 and claims to be her sexual partner, is on trial on a charge that he forged the will used in that inheritance battle.

On Thursday, details of their sexual relationship were revealed in an open court for the first time.

They came from a statement, read out by a prosecutor in court, which Chan made in 2008 during his long probate battle, Hong Kong newspapers reported. Chan changed his name from Tony this year after being baptised and proclaiming that fengshui is "fake".

In the statement, he described how the head massage he gave Wang turned into nights of sleeping together and their first night of sex.

Chan, then 32, told of how surprised he was that Wang was still attractive at age 55.

He said he told Wang he could cure her headaches when they first met in March 1992. For that first session of head massage with Wang at her Chinachem Group's headquarters, the developer, once Asia's richest woman and known for wearing pig-tails and mini-skirts, paid him HK$53,000.

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One night two weeks later, after a body massage he gave her, she asked him to cuddle her to sleep. This was repeated virtually every night after that, reported Apple Daily, and she gave him sums of between HK$300,000 and HK$1 million.

"I remember that after I had finished one massage, she asked me to cuddle her and remove her bra, although she kept on the T-shirt and panties she was wearing," the statement said, as reported by the South China Morning Post.

Chan said he found Wang "sufficiently attractive" and he became "aroused". Wang then teased him, before they flirted with each other.

On the next occasion, they slept naked and fondled each other. He said he then stopped visiting after fearing that he might be accused of molestation.

But after Wang phoned him, saying she "genuinely liked" him, he visited her again.

He massaged her on a day bed, reported The Post, before she took off her clothes and asked him to cuddle her to sleep. They slept naked for an hour before they had sex for 15 minutes.

Chan claimed that Wang "very much took the initiative" in their encounters. "I was captivated by her," he claimed. "She aroused great desire in me and we shared immense satisfaction in our sexual relationship."

He said she told him he was the second male she had slept with and they would even meet in hotels for their rendezvous.

Wang's husband Teddy was declared dead in 1999 after he was abducted nine years earlier. She inherited his Chinachem Group and died of cancer in 2007, aged 69.

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Photos: AFP, Reuters, Apple Daily, Oriental Daily News HK, China News, Internet, Youtube screengrabs

The late Hong Kong billionaire Nina Wang asked for a head massage that turned into nights of passion with her fengshui adviser, according to testimony revealed in a Hong Kong court on Thursday (June 13). Peter Chan, the geomancer who lost a fight for Wang's billions in 2011 and claims to be her sexual partner, is on trial on a charge that he forged the will used in that inheritance battle. On Thursday, details of their sexual relationship were revealed in an open court for the first time.
They came from a statement, read out by a prosecutor in court, which Chan made in 2008 during his long probate battle, Hong Kong newspapers reported. File photo of Chan at court with his wife, Tam Miu-ching, and lawyer. In the statement, he described how the head massage he gave Wang turned into nights of sleeping together and their first night of sex.
Chan, then 32, told of how surprised he was that Wang was still attractive at age 55. Peter Chan changed his name from Tony and renounced Fengshui earlier this year. He said he told Wang he could cure her headaches when they first met in March 1992.
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