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China's super rich are not only indulging in luxury cars and super yachts these days. They are now paying top dollars for high-end unsual and bizarre goods.
China's super rich are not only indulging in luxury cars and super yachts these days. They are now paying top dollars for high-end unsual and bizarre goods.
Bizarre things China's super rich like to buy

Singapore - Walnuts, exotic animal private parts and breast milk - these are not just items you might see at a flea market; they are some of the highly sought after goods that China's super rich are after in recent years.

This trend of ultra-wealthy Chinese people indulging in unusual goods and services have caught the attention of news sites and netizens.

Earlier this year, a report on Southern Metropolitan newspaper reported that wealthy Chinese have taken to milk as their favourite choice of beverage. However, the milk in question is not those that you can buy off the shelves at the supermarket. The milk is freshly squeezed and procured directly from wet nurses.

According to the report, some firms are even offering wet nurse services to provide human breast milk for their wealthy Chinese clients. The service which can cost around 16,000 yuan (S$3,300) a month does not faze these rich Chinese clients. They believe the milk is worth it as it is said to offer health benefits.

Xinxinyu company in Shenzhen is one such company which provides wet nurses for newborns, the sick and adults. The report quoted the owner Lin Jun saying that the adult clients can drink the milk directly through breastfeeding, or via a breast pump if they feel embarrassed.

Other than exotic foods, wealthy Chinese citizens have taken to other ways to flaunt their wealth.

Luxury cars was recently ranked as the top desired goods among China's super rich, according to a study by Digital Luxury Group.

However, rich Chinese are not just satisfied with cruising in their high-end automobiles. They have gone a step further to embellish their luxury cars with one of the world's precious metal - gold.

Recently Chinese media reported a high-end gold-plated car got towed away by police for violating traffic rules. The photos were circulated on Chinese news sites, and netizens took to the web and reacted to the owner's extravagant ride and for flouting traffic rules. After the incident, more photos of such gold-plated luxury cars also surfaced online.

Luxury services are also highly-sought after by the wealthy Chinese. Hollywood celebrities may have their US$100-an-hour yoga teachers, but these rich Chinese have their personal Qi Gong masters.

Qi Gong is a traditional form of martial arts and school of thought which believes in healing and strengthening the body with exercise and meditation. One of the more popular Qi Gong master Wang Lin has China's rich and famous such as Jackie Chan and Vicki Zhao as his clients.

Find out what else tickles the fancies of China's super rich here.

Photos: AFP, Reuters, ST, Celebritynetworth.com, Internet, creativeboysclub.com, Bloomberg News, culinarybackstreets.com, ST, Zaobao, Tracy Quek, whatsonxiamen.com, CRI English, iFeng.com, entnemdept.ufl.edu, Tumblr, Internet, all-creatures.org

China's super rich are not only indulging in luxury cars and super yachts these days. They are now paying top dollars for high-end unsual and bizarre goods. Here is a guide to find out what else tickles the fancies of China's super rich. Hollywood celebrities may have their US$100-an-hour yoga teachers, but these rich Chinese have their own Qi Gong masters.
One of the more popular Qi Gong master Wang Lin (above) has China's rich and famous such as Jackie Chan and Vicki Zhao as his clients. Wang Lin (middle) with one of his celebrity client Faye Wong. Qi Gong is a traditional form of martial arts and school of thought which believes in healing and strengthening the body with exercise and meditation. Above: Wang Lin with singer Faye Wong.
Business Insider reported in July this year that spiritual advisor and Qi Gong master to the Chinese elite Wang Lin is in 'hot soup' recently. He was called a 'vulgar magician' and is facing an investigation for fraud and allegedly illegal health techniques, according to reports in Chinese media. There are Youtube videos of him 'creating' snakes. Above: Wang Lin with Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Jiang Ze Ming's relatives.
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