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Isabel Marant pour H&M collection launched in Paris

Singapore - Isabel Marant isn't one to throw a fancy gig. The French designer whose looks are the standard for laidback Parisian chic - wedge sneakers, beaded bohemian jackets, jeans - sent the fashion world into a downright tizzy when her collaboration with H&M was announced in June, 2013.

The wait, at least for lucky Parisians, is over. The Isabel Marant pour H&M collection hit the streets of Paris in the French capital on October 24, 2013. The huge "blast from the past" celebration took place in a setting reminiscent of early 1990s Paris - complete with brasseries, neon signs and pizza shops.

The presentation of the collection that includes iconic Marant pieces was attended by A-lister stars like Audrey Tautou, January Jones, Freida Pinto and Alice Dellal. The fashion show was really a party in disguise with dancing models, a giant disco ball and live hip hop performances by Grandmaster Melle Mel and Rappers Delight. Check out the video below for highlights from the fun fashion night.

"We wanted to present the collection in a way that felt real and casual, not a red-carpet extravaganza: This is how I see my work. I design for everybody and am constantly inspired by the world I see around me, so it felt natural to have an urban setting as the backdrop of the event. And it had to be Paris, because the city is part of my DNA," says Marant.

The collection will be available on November 14, 2014, in 250 H&M stores worldwide, including Singapore and includes Marant's first foray into menswear.

Stay tuned as herworldPLUS brings you sneak peeks of the Isabel Marant pour H&M collection before its launch on November 14, 2013 at 8am at the H&M Orchard Building.

For more information about H&M, go to www.hm.com. Follow the action leading up to the launch by following the hashtags #HMIsabelMarant and #HMSingapore and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hm, on Twitter @HMSingapore and Instagram @HM

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