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China's richest businessmen and their high-profile divorces
by Plush|24 June 2013

In the recent years, Chinese media has been splashed with high-profile splits between China's most successful businessmen and their wives.

Divorce, however, is no joke for these tycoons and their fortunes.

In just a court settlement, they could gain their freedom to re-marry but lose up to half their wealth or more. For their ex-wives, they are turned into a member of China's super rich overnight.

With the magnitude of their wealth, it is not surprising to know their divorces could even fluctuate the shares of the companies they own on the Chinese stock market.

Take a look at the high-profile divorces among China's richest businessmen.

Photos: Internet, China.org, China Daily, Sina.com, Sany, Haxiu.com, Toocle.com, Reuters, Bloomberg, Wedding411.cn, fs0757.com, v.163.com, house.jiaodong.net, photo.cnhubei.com, ent.cnr.cn, Sino Weibo, gb.cri.cn, info.wuhan.net.cn, gztv.com, tech.hexun.com

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